Whether you are an experienced player, a brand-new beginner, or early in your learning of the sport, we welcome all types of volleyball players to our beautiful new courts at the Wells Ave Y. We have the perfect environment and community where you will feel welcomed, have fun, get inspired to play, and excited to improve. Come join us!
Early Fall Programs
Keep the whole family active this fall!
Member Registration: August 5
Non-Member Registration: August 12
Early Fall Session Dates: September 3-October 20
Intro to Volleyball- Youth
Intro to Volleyball will focus on the basics and fundamentals of the game. We will work on bumping, setting, and spiking for those that are able, as well as serving techniques and positioning on the court.
Not available during summer session.
Volleyball Game Time
Volleyball game play at the Wells Ave Y is free for WSYMCA members. Please contact Joshua Downes to set a volleyball game time for your group.