Make a meaningful, enduring impact at the Y with Planned Giving. A healthy Y capable of making a significant impact in the community is a gift we have received from prior generations, and it is a gift we should pass along, in a stronger position, to future generations.
Gifts made at the time of death through a will or living trust are made as bequests. This is one of the simplest types of planned gifts. By including a bequest of a sum of money or percentage of your estate to the West Suburban YMCA in your will or living trust, you can easily transfer your gift to us. Bequests are flexible and can be changed at any time. Here is an example of the language to include in a bequest. Please be sure to use our legal name- the West Suburban Young Men’s Christian Association, Inc.
"I give to the West Suburban Young Men’s Christian Association, a nonprofit corporation currently located at 276 Church St., Newton, MA, 02460, or its successor thereto, ______________* [written amount or percentage of the estate or description of property] for its unrestricted use and purpose."
Life Insurance
You may purchase an insurance policy for protection reasons. When the purpose is no longer a concern, you can make an outright gift of that policy to the West Suburban YMCA and receive a tax deduction. In addition, you can name the Y as the beneficiary of your insurance policy; the WSYMCA will receive the proceeds of the insurance policy at your death.
IRA Charitable Rollover
The charitable IRA rollover is a special provision allowing you to use IRA assets to make a charitable gift. If you are 70 ½ years old, you can transfer from your IRA account directly to the West Suburban YMCA and receive a tax deduction.
Real Estate
By simply transferring the ownership of real estate to WSYMCA as a gift, you can get a federal income tax deduction by avoiding any capital gains tax. You do not need to worry about any further maintenance cost or property tax.
Life Income Gifts
Life income gifts provide you with a guaranteed income stream while also supporting the Y. Types of life income gifts include:
- Charitable Gift Annuity: A charitable gift annuity is a contract between you and the West Suburban YMCA. You make a gift to the WSYMCA using cash, securities or other assets and in exchange receive a fixed stream of annual income for the rest of your life starting immediately. The principal remaining of the gift at your death will benefit the WSYMCA.
- Deferred Gift Annuity: You make a gift to the WSYMCA using cash, securities or possibly other assets, and in exchange receive a fixed stream of annual income for the rest of your life starting from a future date. The principal remaining of the gift at your death will benefit the WSYMCA.
- Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust: You place a gift in a trust and the trust will provide the annual fixed payments to you or specific beneficiaries for the rest of your life starting immediately. At the death, the trust will distribute the rest of the principal to the WSYMCA.
- Charitable Remainder Unitrust: You place a gift in the trust and the trust will provide the annual fixed percentage payments to you or specific beneficiaries for the rest of your life starting immediately. The annual payments may vary because the principal value may change from year to year. At the death, the trust will distribute the rest of the principal to the WSYMCA.
- Charitable Lead Trust: You transfer a gift to the trust for a fixed term of years. The annual fixed percentage payment will be paid by trustee to the WSYMCA during the period of time. After the end of trust term, the remainder of the trust principal will go back to you.
Endowed Gift
A gift to our endowment can be made at any time, including through a planned future gift. Endowment gifts can be made in cash or assets. The principal will be invested, and a percentage of the income earned will be released annually.
This guide is intended as an introduction to the types of planned gifts available. Always seek the advice of your financial or legal advisor.
Please use our legal name and tax federal tax ID number in your plans.
- Legal Name: West Suburban Young Men’s Christian Association, Inc.
- Address: 276 Church St., Newton, MA 02458
- Federal Tax ID Number: 042-104-783
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