Youth swim lesson with instructor Youth swim lesson with instructor

Group Swim Lessons at the Y

The Y is “America’s Swim Instructor” and the most accessible community resource to prevent drowning and encourage a lifelong enjoyment of swimming. The Y introduced the country to the concept of group swim lessons more than 100 years ago, and each year, the Y teaches more than a million children invaluable water safety and swimming skills.

Summer Programs

Keep the whole family active this summer!

Member Registration: May 28

Non-Member Registration: June 3

Session Dates: June 19-August 27
(Session dates vary by program)

Infant & Toddler Swim Lessons

Class for ages 6 months to 3 years with a parent.

Preschool Swim Lessons

Ages 3 to 5.

School Age Swim Lessons

Ages 5 to 12 years.

Teen & Adult Swim Lessons

Ages 13+.

Adaptive Swim

The Y's Adaptive programs are designed to give children with disabilities opportunities to participate and develop physical and social skills. Ages 3 to 12.

Swim stage lesson chart
Swim lesson descriptions

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member photo

Kelly Barker

Director of Association Aquatics