"The Y Saved My Life"

Sharing a Y Story
A diverse group of adults participate in a lively Zumba fitness class
October 4, 2024

“The Y saved my life.” A simple, yet powerful statement by one of our members who decided to become a GEM. Our Give Every Month, or GEM, members donate each month to support our mission and often answer the sign-up form question of: “Why the Y?” This gem of a member, Susan Anderson, caught my attention with that short sentence.

I know that the Y can save lives. We train and practice life-saving skills and drills monthly. I often answer the calls of an all-staff emergency in the building along with all my coworkers. But Susan was not talking about an emergency that took place in the building, she was talking about an emergency that took place inside of her.

Susan was athletic her whole life. From wind surfing to skiing, she loved all types of sports and tried them at least once. Her cheery disposition and health-forward outlook on life never changed, even through two hip replacements, a shoulder replacement, and a battle with lymphoma. Her perseverance was strong.

And then the pandemic hit. Like all of us, Susan was left to her own devices, alone. She remembers that feeling of seclusion and for the first time in her life became more sedentary. Her motivation for healthy living and her drive to be an active older adult slipped away. She was depressed.

Then, on a trip to the doctor’s office with her father, she overheard the doctor’s advice, “Some people are waiting to die, and some people are living. You’re living.” That’s the day that Susan decided if her father can be living, so can she.

She entered the Y, joined, and went straight to a class. The first class she attended was a FitFusion class with Michelle, and Susan was inspired and hooked. She noticed Michelle’s thoughtfulness and reasoning during the class, and her magical personality that lit up the room. She says that the Y is so intelligently run and loves the welcoming experience.

The emergency inside of Susan was the need for a community. The need to be social. The need to feel like she belonged, all within a safe space to bring back her healthy lifestyle. Susan attends classes daily and has found many friends along the way. The Y saved her life, but she is the one doing the living!

Thank you, Susan, for finding your way to the Y and telling your story for all to hear.

-Kristina Carroll, Development Associate