Celebrating Success: The WSYMCA's 20th Annual Golf Tournament

2 ladies and 2 men in a golf foursome smiling together
May 21, 2024

The West Suburban YMCA recently hosted its 20th Annual Golf Tournament at the picturesque Charles River Country Club, marking a milestone event that brought together community spirit, philanthropy, and the love of golf. This year's tournament was a resounding success, with 116 enthusiastic golfers taking to the greens and helping raise nearly $90,000 to support the Y's mission-based programs. 

A Day to Remember 

The weather was perfect for a day of golf, and Charles River Country Club provided a stunning backdrop for the tournament. Click here to view our Facebook album.

Supporting a Worthy Cause 

The funds raised from the tournament will directly benefit the West Suburban YMCA's annual fund, which provides financial assistance to local families in need. YMCA programs focus on fostering healthy habits, building confidence, and nurturing strong relationships. From youth sports and swim lessons to childcare and wellness programs, the YMCA's initiatives are essential in promoting overall well-being in the community.

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors 

Events like this would not be possible without the generous support of our sponsors. We extend our deepest gratitude to our Presenting Sponsor, The Village Bank, whose commitment to community development aligns perfectly with the YMCA’s mission. Their support, along with contributions from other event sponsors, played a crucial role in the success of the tournament. 

Highlighting the Impact 

The nearly $90,000 raised will have a significant impact on the YMCA's ability to continue offering vital programs and services. These funds will help ensure that everyone, regardless of their financial situation, has access to the resources they need to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives. 

Looking Ahead 

As we celebrate the success of this year's tournament, we are already looking forward to next year's event. The West Suburban YMCA's Annual Golf Tournament has become a cherished tradition, and we are committed to building on this year's success to make future events even more impactful. 

Join Us 

We invite everyone in the community to join us in our mission. Whether through participating in events, volunteering, or making a donation, your support is invaluable. Together, we can continue to make a difference in the lives of families and individuals throughout our community. Thank you to everyone who participated, sponsored, and supported the 20th Annual Golf Tournament. Your contributions are helping to build a stronger, healthier community for all. See you on the greens next year!